The Reinvention Formula-Package Up Your Brilliance

An established service based & beauty-wellness business owners way to create an online freedom lifestyle Coaching business

Join us for this FREE Workshop where I walk you through the core steps to start a location independent online coaching-mentoring business.

Find renewed passion, freedom & wealth

You Get

Day 1-
I will teach you exactly how to get clarity on the first core steps to get started and create an online coaching-mentoring-online education business to create wealth and freedom in this season of your life.

Day 2-

I will walk you through my steps to launch a thriving online coach, mentor or consultant business without complicated jargon and overwhelm that resonates with your lifestyle.

Day 3-

I will teach you my secret sauce for a powerful online presence, attracting great clients and creating a personal brand that attracts aligned clients.


June 10-12 2024

@12:00 pm EST-1:00 pm EST Daily


(Can't make it live? NO WORRIES!

You get access to all the replays)

About me

Your Host - Maria Fontana


After 25 years of busting my ass behind the chair as a hairstylist & salon owner I decided to start an online coaching-consulting business sharing my brilliance, business expertise and self improvement hacks that changed my life.

Now I am helping others create wealth and freedom.

I'm Maria Fontana, a 30 year entrepreneur, hairstylist & salon owner turned high-level business mentor, and I'm the Founder & CEO of The Zen & Profits Re-Invention.

As someone who has walked this path, I understand the unique challenges and opportunities in this transformation.

I've successfully made this transition myself, and I'm passionate about helping you create freedom and wealth.

Here is what you get FREE:

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